Tutorial Notes.

- translate information onto further graphs
- morse code/hidden code
- braile
- sound/number coding
- mini groups of codes/images
- control  over information by structure of garment- folding away information
- squared background/graphing
- colour and tone
- overall structure
- groups of information together/logical layout
- grids of circles combined with graphs/squares
- symbol represents words?
- stitch and digital- stitching their own code, how hi tech?

- start putting onto the whole body
- silhouette/outline shape to suggest fashion
- composition- several people differentiating purpose.
- levels of opacity/people
- part journey/part person/people
- playing around with hand drawn and digital
- holes in page
- tracing paper/acetate pages
- hole punching, revealing what's underneath
- scanning in sewing
- pattern brush, combining fabric element.
- colour atmosphere.

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