Freddie Robins.

Laura suggested, although not directly related to my project, that I look into a project that knitter Freddie Robins undertook. These projects seem to have been taken down from her website as the links no longer work, how ever I found a blog post on the project (referenced above). The project was 'how to make a piece of work when you are too tired to make decisions'. Robin's came up with a way of relieving all decisions of how to create work, and relied on 3 dice. One dice was to select the colour of yarns, one to give numbers for the stitches and rows and one to decide the technique that was to be knitted. 
I think this is vaguely related to my concept with the idea that I could play by a set of rules, so I could select a colour for each thing I do, select a shape for each thing I do, have a certain way of arranging things etc, so that everything is decided but in possibly a predetermined way by the rules. 

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