Peer Discussion.

Discussing in the studio with Bonnie and Frazer I was still unsure how to gather my information and gather different types of data and how to actually start. We came up with the idea that perhaps I should create a survey to see what peoples privacy settings were like on facebook and how they interact on social media sites.

Survey questions;
1. Is your profile set to private on Facebook?
-Parts of it
-Don't know
-Don't care

2. What Facebook profile information do you currently allow the public to see? (Check all that apply)
- Current city
- Hometown
- Gender
- Birthday (month and day only)
- Birthday (month, day and year)
- Interested in (men/women)
- Photos
- Relationship Status
- Friends
- Employer
- College/University
- High School
- Religion
- Interests
- Email Addresses
- Phone Numbers
- Street Addresses
- IM Screen Names
- Website

3. How many friends do you have on Facebook?
- 1- 50
- 50- 100
- 100- 200
- 200- 300
- 300- 400
- 400- 500
- Over 500
- Over 1000
- Over 2000
- Other (please specify)

4. How many of your Facebook friends do you actually know?
- 1-25
- 25-50
- 50-75
- 75- 100
- 100- 150
- 150- 200
- Over 200
- All of them
- None of them
- Other (please specify)

5. How many of your Facebook friends do you actually interact with on a regular basis (online or in person)?
- 1- 20
- 20-50
- 50- 100
- Other (please specify)

6. How regularly do you get friend requests from people you don't know?
- Everyday
- Often
- Sometimes
- Rarely
- Never
- Other (please specify)

7. Do you accept friend requests from people you do not know?
- Yes
- No
- Depends on what they look like
- If they have mutual friends with people you know
- Other (please specify)

8. Do you often 'check in' on Facebook?
- Everywhere you go
- At interesting places
- Sometimes
- Rarely
- Never
- Other (please specify)

9. When did you join Facebook?

10. What other social networking sites do you use?
- Twitter
- Myspace
- Instagram
- Tumblr
- None
- Other (please specify)

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